Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Out and About with Proverbs 31 Women!

Dear Listeners,

One of my favorite things is spending time with women. Another one of my favorite things is having a meal at a nice restaurant. I also love to teach the truth of God's word.In March, I got a speaking invitation from Debbe Haley, the co-director of a local business women's networking group called Proverbs 31. I LOVE MY JOB!

What a blessing to share my story with other women. What a privilege to tell them how much God loves them. I shared the ashes of my past and explained how God has changed my ashes into a crown of beauty. I explained about how safe we are in Christ and that God has an important plan for each of our lives. I thank Him for raising me up to a place where he can be glorified. Here at KAXL, I am invited to speak, share, MC, visit on behalf of KAXL, but also to share what God has done in my life. And that's A LOT!

A quick visit to their website will tell you about the group:

Pro 31 stands for Proverbs 31, the chapter in God's word which describes a godly wife and a virtuous woman. We are a group of working women, some self-employed, some employed by others and some partly-retired, who seek to glorify God in our work and daily lives. We have monthly lunches where we share a little about ourselves and businesses, network and receive an inspiring and encouraging word from wise, Godly women in the group. We're very pleased you've found our site and pray you'll find this group warm and welcoming. The group is for all of us and to God be the glory!

The Proverbs 31 Network meets on the second Thursday of each month, at the Petroleum Club. To find out more information and what's coming up next, check out their website -- www.pro31network.com. Who knows, maybe next month, we sit across the table from each other, with all of my favorite things - women, lunch and sound Bible teaching. See you at Proverbs 31 Network!

May God richly bless your life,

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